Fair Policy, Fair Discussion

March 30, 2010

Congress: Obama should not be allowed to make peace

During Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington this week, the Israeli PM met with members of Congress as part of a PR offensive to marginalize recent criticism from the Obama Administration over the announced East Jerusalem settlements. In sharp contrast to the insulted frustration echoed by Administration officials in recent weeks, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stood by Minority Leader John Boehner and the Israeli Prime Minister while declaring; “We in Congress stand by Israel..In Congress we speak with one voice on the subject of Israel.” Obama later met with Netanyahu at the White House without posing with the Israel PM for the cameras.

The House leadership’s public posture shows a clear divide between the Obama Administration’s approach to dealing with Netanyahu and that of Congress. While Administration officials directly deal with the diplomatic consequences of Israeli expansion into Palestinian areas, the House leaders pay lip service to ‘furthering the peace process’ while allocating $3 billion annually to help Netanyahu expand and maintain the settlements.

Over 300 members of Congress have signed a declaration affirming “the unbreakable bond that exists between [U.S.] and the State of Israel”, which was sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. And while the statements of unconditional support expressed by Congressional leaders serve to encourage Netanyahu’s official actions, they also undermine any political leverage the Obama Administration may have to encourage a halt to settlement building in East Jerusalem. Ironically, the US Congress may become one of President Obama’s main obstacles in dealing with an increasingly defiant Netanyahu Government.

Here is the Hoyer-Cantor letter and the list of 327 members of Congress who signed it.

Despite all the pressure from AIPAC on the Congress, the President should continue and expand efforts to halt settlements by getting tough with Israel.


  1. “Tough stance against settlement expansion”? What planet are you on? Expansion continues despite Barky’s timid protests.

    Comment by Dick Fitzgerald — March 30, 2010 @ 5:25 pm | Reply

  2. this is nothing new… when pres.clinton had a falling out with bibi and left town, many reps.and jerry falwel went up bibi’s ass hook line and sinker betraying thier own pres…. this is the only issue that always gets bi-partisan support…every money making idea i have always turns sour, just like ralph kramden… built up a large line of credit to be used when the cuomo-guiliani governortorial race got under way… all i had to do was find out what airlines they were going to use flying back and forth to isreali to curry favor from thier future bosses in order to get elected…i intended to load up on ”call options”, selling them on election day at a huge profit!… just my luck guiliani bows out depriving me of a small fortune……………..in a way pres. obama has no one to blame but himself…while still a senator running for pres. in mid 2008, our pres., while addressing aipac gave away jerusalem…. in a letter to then senator obama, i said he gave away something that was not his to give….and thats why ”i am voting for the old white guy with the questionable v.p.”…..voting for ralph nader for the third time…

    Comment by carl of queens,ny — March 31, 2010 @ 12:34 pm | Reply

  3. It seems obvious that the USA are ruled by the proisraeli lobbies, rather then Israel being an outpost of the USA in the Middleast. Also, it appears evident to anyone that the fundamentalist nationalism of the majority of the israelis has won the battle against the internationalism and universalism of the Jewish culture of the last three centuries. Finally, the israeli nationalism used to be secular til 20 yers ago,so that the worshipping of the Nation idol was against the traditional religion.But now it is more and more painted with religious fundamentalism, an attitude against the civil liberties which we believe are a basic conquest of our civilization.

    Comment by Giorgio Forti — April 1, 2010 @ 3:07 am | Reply

  4. I strongly encourage the Prime Minister to with his plan to develop East Jerusalem Because the Land Belongs to Israel. The power to stop Israel does not belong to US presedent an his adminstation but only the Creator of UNIVERSE the Almight God who revealed through JESUS christ. Prime Minister continue without any hestation. I remaing stand with people of Israel. Anyone who want to frastrate that plan God will deal with him

    Comment by Zacharia Nyanda — April 2, 2010 @ 5:12 am | Reply

  5. I strongly encourage the Prime Minister to with his plan to develop East Jerusalem Because the Land Belongs to Israel. The power to stop Israel does not belong to US presedent and his adminstation but only the Creator of UNIVERSE the Almight God who revealed through JESUS christ. Prime Minister continue without any hestation. I remain stand with people of Israel. Anyone who wants to frustrate that plan God will deal with him

    Comment by Zacharia Nyanda — April 2, 2010 @ 5:14 am | Reply

  6. Getting tough with Israel is a great idea; unfortunately it’ds not politically possible. The fact that AIPAC has the whole congress under its thumb attests to its entrenched power. Doesn’t anyone else remember what General Brown said? It’s great that Petraeus recognizes that resolving the Palestinian problem is important for American interests. No doubt, he and others realize it just won’t be solved, thanks to AIPAC. The latter bunch will really get it someday…

    Comment by Tim Donovan — April 2, 2010 @ 6:17 am | Reply

  7. it is great that petraeus thinks resolving the pal. problem is important to american interests…. this is also the understatement of a lifetime… had it been resolved equitably in 1967 or 68, i believe there is no uss cole, no giant holes in lower manhattan, no afgan., no iraq, no madrid, no london, no shoe bomber, no hassan,etc….also no homeland security expenses…. i also believe that the gaza invasion, that left over 1400 men, women and children dead, along with tens of thousands of animals, that led to the goldstone report, will lead to the realization that the gig is finally up for the israeli occupation and land grab…the v.p. biden insult did not help their case….if these two things don’t do it,then we need a pres. petraeus or a jewish pres. like russ fiengold or al franken….they will have the cojones to pull it off… joe leiberman need not apply….to bad we can’t dig up pres.eisenhower… carl ………. as i have had said before, the isrealis remind me of the guy, who goes to a psychiatrist because he believes nobody likes him, ”doc i can’t understand why nobody likes me? ya fu-k-n rat bas—d”…

    Comment by carl of queens,ny — April 2, 2010 @ 11:11 am | Reply

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